Thursday, September 7, 2017

Picture Day

Thursday, September 7, 2017
Katelee is in second grade and likes school. School is fun and she likes to write stories. She likes to read, do ST Math, and ticket to read. She likes to do anything on the computers. At recess she likes to play on the bars and play hopscotch. Her friends are Meliah, Ari, Dylan, Jasmine, Jessie, Chloe, Mira, and Kamzlee. She loves going to gymnastics and doing the bars and jumping on the tumble track. Her favorite color is blue, favorite food is slurpy noodles, and her favorite treats are dirt worms, cotton candy, brownies, and chocolate cake. And chocolate, anything chocolate she likes. Her favorite animal is a rabbit and she wants to have a pet rabbit or a bird. At home she likes to play the piano, watch videos on the iPad, and play ST Math. She is getting to be such a big helper with her younger sister and brothers. She also is a good cleaner, unless she gets mad. There are times she cleans the whole house! She likes to do gymnastic tricks on the couch and her mom and dad will not let her. She likes to have dance parties and she loves to sing. She loves going to the swimming pool and the splash pad. She likes to spend time with her family and have treats and go swimming at the Rec Center.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Dirt Worms

Saturday, September 2, 2017
So I guess on YouTube Katelee and Ashlynn saw some different treats to trick your friends when you eat them. I went to the store and they requested that I get them some dirt worms. I told them I would look for them. I found them and bought them for the kids. They were so excited to eat them!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Summer Vacation Writing

During the first week of school, Katelee wrote about her summer vacation. She loved going to Las Vegas for our family vacation.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Hafen Splash Pad Party

Thursday, August 24, 2017
I got to have an end of summer party/back to school party with some of my friends at the splash pad. I liked playing in the water and we had cupcakes and popsicles to eat. It was fun but at the end I fell and got hurt on my leg. I liked having a party with my friends.

Monday, August 14, 2017

First Day of Second Grade

Monday, August 14, 2017
My first day of second grade was good. Mrs. Durbin is my second grade teacher and she is a nice teacher. I sat by my friend Meliah. In PE we played Rock, Paper, Scissors. I like doing writing time. On the first day we got our whiteboards and got to color pictures. I want to learn how to write more and I want to get 100 AR points. I am excited to be in second grade! 

After school was over my mom and dad took us to Dairy Queen to celebrate the first day of school and for Family Home Evening. 

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Father's Blessing

Sunday, August 13, 2017
The night before school starts we have a tradition in our family to get a father's blessing. I love my dad and I'm glad he can give me a blessing to help me throughout the school year.

These girls are so excited for the first day of school tomorrow!

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Building Forts and Back to School Night

Thursday, August 10, 2017

I love to build forts using blankets and chairs. I'm glad I got to go to the school and meet my teacher for 2nd grade. My teacher is Mrs. Durbin. I got choose where I want to sit for the first day of school. I got a water bottle and some goldfish to eat.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

2 More Days

My birthday is almost here. I went on a date with my mom and dad to get things for my birthday. I got a jewelry set, new shoes, birthday clothes, and a piñata with lots of candy. I picked out my cupcakes and brownie mix. One of the popsicles broke on me and we had to get new ones. I got to try on my clothes to make sure they fit. I am so excited for my birthday. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Birthday Invitations

I went on a mommy-daughter date and delivered invitations to my birthday party. It took like 2 hours. We planned my birthday party. I want to have a piñata, brownies, cupcakes, and popsicles at my party. I want to play tag, hiding go seek, and Mr. Clown. I want to have balloons. I had fun. I am really excited for my birthday!

Later that night I changed into my swim suit (because I love swimming suits and live in them during the summer) and had a dance party with my favorite songs (One Direction C.D.)!

Monday, March 20, 2017

Free Ice Cream Cones

We love getting free ice cream cones at Dairy Queen for Family Home Evening!

Accelerated Reader

On Monday mornings my mom comes to school with me to help me and my classmates read books and take AR tests. I am almost to 100 AR points!

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Razor Ride

I went on my Uncls razor! We went fast! We went down a hill!  It felt weird. It felt like we were on a roler coster. It was so fun.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Happy St. Patrick's Day

I wore green today. When I woke up, I had a stomach ache so I didn't eat my green pancake. And I didn't get one. We made green rice crispe treats and ate them. I like St. Patrick's day.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Sugar Cookies

On our way home from gymnastics, Daddy stopped at The Splash Pad and got us yummy sugar cookies. We had to have dinner and exercise. Then when we got back from our family walk, we got to eat them!


I like to play with magformers. I like to make different shapes. My favorite shape to make is a heart.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Mini Drill Team

I went to the Drill Team Review. I did my dance with my sister. It was a lot of fun. Then we got to eat dinner at McDonald's. I like climbing the blue rings.

Color Run

The color run was so much fun! I liked getting sprayed with the colored chalk. I ran a mile with my dad and my brother. Then we had a color war. I got a lot of colors on me. I had a lot of fun at the color run.



Friday, March 10, 2017

Super Speed Skipper

I made it to Super Speed Skipper! It was fun and I was nurvse  too. I got 137 jumps! I got tired trying to jump so fast.